MIMOSA: dataset behind the interactive tool for selection of nut harvesting machinery in agroforestry context (MachInes en Methodes voor de OogSt van noten in Agroforestry)

  • Martijn Taelman (Creator)
  • Bert Reubens (Creator)
  • Sarah Carton (Creator)
  • Willem Van Colen (Creator)
  • Rutger Tallieu (Creator)
  • Julian Rahahleh (Creator)



This dataset contains all the information which is used to run the calculations in the interactive decision support tool "MIMOSA" (MachInes en Methodes voor de OogSt van noten in Agroforestry), intended to select nut harvesting machinery in an agroforestry context. This tool is developed for use in Belgium and The Netherlands, and is currently only available in Dutch. In recent years, a growing interest in agroforestry systems combined with nut production has been observed in Belgium and the Netherlands. Thereby, it is important to also pay sufficient attention to the harvesting method, even before the trees are planted. For example, grouped planting of varieties according to harvest time is recommended, or the distance between tree rows also determines the possibility of being able to access the field with certain machines. The use of harvesting machines usually also requires an almost perfectly even surface. But the harvesting method itself can also save a lot of time and money. When harvesting, one can wait until the green husk bursts and the nut falls down naturally or use shaking machines to make the nuts fall faster and at the same time. A choice also has to be made on whether to use nets under the trees or not. If nets are not used, consideration should be given to what other method of harvesting can be used: manually for smaller plots or with different types of pick-up machines or a suction system for larger plantings. The objective of MIMOSA is to support making the right choices considering scale and farm specific preferences, labour availability, etc. Based on your personal data, this interactive calculation tool gives you targeted advice for cost-efficient harvesting of your acreage of nuts. Together with the fixed parameters (working width, harvesting speed, fuel consumption, purchase price, depreciation period and machine loading capacity), it then calculates the cost price of harvesting your acreage with different machines for your specific situation (both with and without shaker). Of course, we do want to stress that this is a proposal based on theoretical calculations and only a limited number of machines are included in this calculation tool. It therefore remains important to check for yourself whether the proposed machines are suitable for your farming system. The use of the MIMOSA tool is free, and it can be accessed through this link https://bdbnet.bdb.be/pls/apex/f?p=147:10 The background info sheet can be read here: https://www.agroforestryvlaanderen.be/nl/nieuws/oogst-van-noten-welke-methodes-en-machines (in Dutch). More info? Contact us through [email protected]
Date made available2023

Keywords datasets

  • interactive tool
  • harvesting
  • agroforestry

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