SpectroFood dataset Broccoli

  • Ioannis Malounas (Creator)
  • Sezer Kutluk (Creator)
  • Manuela Zude-Sasse (Creator)
  • Zhao Ming (Creator)
  • Wout Vierbergen (Creator)
  • Kai Yang (Creator)
  • Dimitrios Argyropoulos (Creator)
  • Eva Ampe (Creator)
  • Jonathan Van Beek (Creator)
  • Spyros Fountas (Creator)



This dataset contains hyperspectral data in the visible / shortwave near-infrared spectral (470 - 900 nm) domain for broccoli. The cubes were downsized to 80 % in OpenCV using bilinear interpolation (https://docs.opencv.org/4.8.0/da/d6e/tutorial_py_geometric_transformations.html). The data set contains cubes of 250 samples, wavelength vector and sample labels in Matlab's mat format. In each mat file 10 sample readings are collected, however, labels in the files provide the sample number. The data set is coupled with dry matter content references that are provided here: https://zenodo.org/records/8362947
Date made available8-Dec-2023

Keywords datasets

  • spectrofood
  • broccoli

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