STEROPES - Dataset 19: Collected soil data, ILVO



Dataset 19: Collected soil data, ILVO (Belgium) Origin: First field trial on BOPACT LTE (S15) and on field trial S2 in Gavere, 16 samples from topsoil 0-10 cm; in 5m-radius around center of each plot): soil carbon and soil moisture). Second field trial, 20 samples from top soil 0-10 cm during 2021 and 2022 collected and soil organic carbon measured. Purpose and objectives: to analyse the input of plant residue in SOC prediction from remote sensing data under WP4. Format: Data in the format of CSV . Data utility: Data is collected based on the experiment where each plot has different amount of plant residual from without plant residual till completely covered with plant residual.
Date made available14-Nov-2024

Keywords datasets

  • sampling
  • remote sensing
  • soil
  • EJP Soil

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