Projects per year
Personal profile
Education/Academic qualification
External positions
veterinary, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, Ghent University, Merelbeke , België
1-Feb-2012 → …
Department of Zoology, University of Oxford
1-Jan-1994 → 30-Dec-1999
- 1 Similar Profiles
Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
VARKSTAART: Potential (research) approach to reduce/stop routine tail docking and keeping pigs with long(er) tails
De Smet, S. (ProjectSupervisor), Watteyn, A. (Project Manager), De Campeneere, S. (ProjectSupervisor), Van Damme, L. (Researcher), De Wart, D. (Project Assistant), Decroos, T. (Project Assistant), Tuyttens, F. (ProjectSupervisor) & Van Grembergen, D. (Project Assistant)
1/07/23 → 30/06/26
Project: Research
LIFT: Lifting farm animal lives – laying the foundations for positive animal welfare
Tuyttens, F. (Researcher) & De Campeneere, S. (Project Manager)
4/11/22 → 3/11/26
Project: Research
AWISH: Animal Welfare Indicators at the SlaughterHouse
Maselyne, J. (ProjectSupervisor), Aluwé, M. (ProjectSupervisor), Tuyttens, F. (ProjectSupervisor), Watteyn, A. (ProjectSupervisor), De Visscher, A. (ProjectSupervisor), Coppens, T. (ProjectSupervisor), Vangeyte, J. (Project Manager), De Campeneere, S. (ProjectSupervisor), van Langeveld, K. (PhD Student), Van Noten, N. (Researcher), Mullatahiri, S. (Project Assistant), Vanden Hole, C. (Researcher) & Verlinde, S. (Researcher)
1/11/22 → 31/10/26
Project: Research
ATHLETIC CHICKS : Health and wellness effects of early feed for broiler chicks
Tuyttens, F. (ProjectSupervisor), Lourenço Ribeiro Alves, M. (ProjectSupervisor), De Campeneere, S. (ProjectSupervisor), Delezie, E. (Project Manager) & De Craecker, M. (Project Assistant)
1/09/22 → 31/08/26
Project: Research
GEITPLF: Internet of Animals: Wireless Spatio-Temporal Observation of Dairy Goats Using Unsupervised Deep Learning
Sonck, B. (ProjectSupervisor), Tuyttens, F. (Project Manager) & De Campeneere, S. (ProjectSupervisor)
1/11/21 → 31/10/25
Project: Research
Research output
Comparing methods for catching and crating broiler chicken flocks: A trade-off between animal welfare, ergonomics and economics
Delanglez, F., Delezie, E., Tuyttens, F., Demaître, N., Kempen, I., Ampe, B., Watteyn, A., Van Meirhaeghe, H., Sleeckx, N., Segers, V., Garmyn, A. & Antonissen, G., Feb-2025, In: Poultry Science. 104, 2, 104704.Research output: Contribution to journal › A1: Web of Science-article › peer-review
Open Access -
Kan een variabele incubatietemperatuur trager groeiende vleeskuikens veerkrachtiger maken tijdens (zeer) warme periodes?
Langendries, K., Graat, E., Vanden Hole, C., Tuyttens, F. & Molenaar, R., Feb-2025, In: Pluimvee. 59, 2, p. 22-23 2 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › A4: Article in journal not included in A1, A2 or A3
Preparedness, prevention and control related to zoonotic avian influenza
Alvarez, J., Boklund, A., Dippel, S., Dórea, F., Figuerola, J., Herskin, M. S., Michel, V., Miranda Chueca, M. Á., Nannoni, E., Nielsen, S. S., Nonno, R., Riber, A. B., Stegeman, J. A., Ståhl, K., Thulke, H., Tuyttens, F., Winckler, C., Brugerolles, C., Wolff, T. & Parys, A. & 20 others, , 29-Jan-2025, In: EFSA Journal. 23, 1, e9191.Research output: Contribution to journal › A1: Web of Science-article › peer-review
Open Access -
Sensoren kunnen uitval bij vleeskippen helpen inperken
De Poorter, E., Tuyttens, F., Antonissen, G. & Hartmann, F., 20-Jan-2025, In: Landbouwleven. 21505, 2 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › A4: Article in journal not included in A1, A2 or A3
Welfare of horses at slaughter
Nielsen, S. S., Alvarez, J., Boklund, A., Dippel, S., Dorea, F., Figuerola, J., Herskin, M., Miranda Chueca, M. A., Nannoni, E., Nonno, R., Riber, A., Stahl, K., Stegeman, J. A., Thulke, H., Tuyttens, F., Winckler, C., Raj, M., Velarde, A., Candiani, D. & Van der Stede, Y. & 1 others, , 28-Jan-2025, In: EFSA Journal. 23, 1, 49 p., e9178.Research output: Contribution to journal › A1: Web of Science-article › peer-review
Open Access
Brown and white layer pullet hybrids show different fear responses towards humans, but what role does light during incubation play in that?
Manet, M. W. E. (Creator), Kliphuis, S. (Creator), Nordquist, R. (Creator), Goerlich, V. (Creator), Tuyttens, F. (Creator) & Rodenburg, T. B. (Creator), Zenodo, 7-Sept-2023
Agritechdag 2024
Haumont, J. (Organisator), Frijlink, M. (Organisator), Everaert, M. (Organisator), Bernaerdt, E. (Organisator), De Prekel, L. (Organisator), Aluwé, M. (Organisator), Hunninck, M. (Organisator), De Baets, R. (Organisator), Maselyne, J. (Organisator), Mullatahiri, S. (Organisator), Engels, E. (Organisator), Van Weyenberg, S. (Organisator), De Temmerman, P.-J. (Participation with poster), Benaissa, S. (Participation with poster), Van Noten, N. (Participation with poster), van Langeveld, K. (Participation with poster), De Visscher, A. (Participation with poster), Goossens, K. (Participation with poster), Van De Gucht, T. (Participation with poster), Vandicke, J. (Participation with poster), Vandenbussche, C. (Participation with poster), Buyse, K. (Participation with poster), Tuyttens, F. (Participation with poster), Callens, B. (Participation with poster), Tegenaw, P. D. (Participation with poster), Slootmans, J. (Participation with poster), Ingelbrecht, L. (Participation with poster), Poelman, M. (Participation with poster), Van den Broeke, A. (Participation with poster), Calders, J. (Participation with poster), Delacauw, S. (Participation with poster), Vanhoorne, S. (Participation with poster), Maes, J. (Participation with poster) & Put, O. I. (Participation with poster)
18-Jun-2024Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
The 12th International Symposium onAvian Endocrinology
Tuyttens, F. (Speaker)
24-Jul-2022 → 28-Jul-2022Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Organisation and participation in conference
55th Congress of the ISAE
Tuyttens, F. (Speaker)
4-Aug-2022 → 8-Aug-2022Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Organisation and participation in conference
UFAW Internatiol Conference 2022
Tuyttens, F. (Speaker)
28-Jun-2022 → 29-Jun-2022Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Organisation and participation in conference
ILVO Webinar Aandacht voor dierenwelzijn in de veehouderij
Langendries, K. (Organisator), De Smet, S. (Organisator), Frijlink, M. (Organisator), Tuyttens, F. (Speaker), De Haas, E. (Speaker), Bracke, J. (Speaker) & Graat, E. (Speaker)
17-Dec-2020Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in workshop, seminar, course