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Veredeling van Belgische hpo - Tine D'hamers - MSc Bio-ir wet. - Ugent
Muylle, H. (Promotor)
2021Activity: Other › Types of other (prices, external and other activities) - (Co)promotor masterthesis
Valorisatie van miscanthus : strooisel, biogas en verbranding (Laurens Smeyers)
Muylle, H. (Promotor)
2014 → …Activity: Other › Types of other (prices, external and other activities) - (Co)promotor masterthesis
Analyse van genetische variatie van celwandverteerbaarheid in Lolium perenne : ontwikkeling en validatie van SNP-assays in CCR genen (Kim Feys)
Muylle, H. (Promotor)
30-Jan-2012 → 30-Sept-2012Activity: Other › Types of other (prices, external and other activities) - (Co)promotor masterthesis
Associatiemapping bij Lolium perenne: analyse van de fenotypische variatie in celwandverteerbaarheid en de genotypische variatie in het CCR1 gen (Vicky Vercruysse)
Muylle, H. (Promotor)
2012 → 2013Activity: Other › Types of other (prices, external and other activities) - (Co)promotor masterthesis
Expressie-analyse van genen uit monolignol pathway in Brachypodium distachyon
Muylle, H. (Copromotor)
1-Feb-2011 → 30-Jun-2011Activity: Other › Types of other (prices, external and other activities) - (Co)promotor masterthesis
Onderzoek naar de genetische diversiteit in de Lolium perenne associatiemapping populatie van ILVO (Jurgen Van Impe)
Muylle, H. (Copromotor)
1-Sept-2011 → 30-Jun-2012Activity: Other › Types of other (prices, external and other activities) - (Co)promotor masterthesis
Genetische analyse van miscanthus genotypes (Sam De Decker)
Muylle, H. (Copromotor)
1-Oct-2011 → 30-Jan-2012Activity: Other › Types of other (prices, external and other activities) - (Co)promotor masterthesis
Onderzoek naar de genetische diversiteit in de Lolium perenne associatie mapping populatie van ILVO (Jurgen Van Impe)
Muylle, H. (Promotor)
1-Sept-2011 → 30-Jun-2012Activity: Other › Types of other (prices, external and other activities) - (Co)promotor masterthesis
Evaluatie van het sacharificatiepotentieel van Brachypodium distachyon: Willem Stasse
Muylle, H. (Promotor)
1-Feb-2011 → 30-Jun-2011Activity: Other › Types of other (prices, external and other activities) - (Co)promotor masterthesis
Analyse van genetische variatie van celwandverteerbaarheid in Lolium perenne : ontwikkeling en validatie van SNP-assays in CCR genen (Kim Feys)
Muylle, H. (Promotor)
1-Sept-2011 → 1-Sept-2012Activity: Other › Types of other (prices, external and other activities) - (Co)promotor masterthesis