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Hopveredeling : in vitro optimalisatie en Verticillium tolerantie - Karel Piteus - BSc Agro- en Biotechnologie - VIVES
Muylle, H. (Promotor)
2023Activity: Other › Types of other (prices, external and other activities) - (Co)promotor bachelorthesis
Genotypering van appel en hop aan de hand van KASP merkers - Lieven Schaum - BSc Agro- en Biotechnologie - Vives
Muylle, H. (Promotor)
2022Activity: Other › Types of other (prices, external and other activities) - (Co)promotor bachelorthesis
Gebruik van geslachtspecifieke moleculaire merkers in hop - Wouter Lonneville
Muylle, H. (Promotor)
2021 → …Activity: Other › Types of other (prices, external and other activities) - (Co)promotor bachelorthesis
Genetische verwantschappen in een collectie van vrouwelijke en mannelijke hopplanten mbv KASP - Milan Ghekiere - BSc Agro- en biotechnologie - VIVES
Muylle, H. (Promotor)
2021Activity: Other › Types of other (prices, external and other activities) - (Co)promotor bachelorthesis
Associatie van allelische variatie in het CSE- en CCR-gen en celwandverteerbaarheid in Lolium perenne (Celine De Coensel)
Muylle, H. (Promotor)
2014 → …Activity: Other › Types of other (prices, external and other activities) - (Co)promotor bachelorthesis
Valorisatie van Miscanthus (Laurens Smeyers)
Muylle, H. (Promotor)
2012 → 2013Activity: Other › Types of other (prices, external and other activities) - (Co)promotor bachelorthesis
Fenotypische karkaterisatie en expressie-analyse van maïs neergereguleerd voor CINNAMYLALCOHOL-DEHYDROGENASE (Inez Claessens)
Muylle, H. (Promotor)
2012 → 2013Activity: Other › Types of other (prices, external and other activities) - (Co)promotor bachelorthesis
Genetische analyse van miscanthus genotypes (Sam De Decker)
Muylle, H. (Promotor)
1-Oct-2011 → 30-Jan-2012Activity: Other › Types of other (prices, external and other activities) - (Co)promotor bachelorthesis