Projects per year
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Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
MICOS: Microplastic Contamination in agricultural Soil ecosystems and the effect on soil and plant health
De Witte, B. (ProjectSupervisor), Roldán-Ruiz, I. (ProjectSupervisor), D'Hose, T. (ProjectSupervisor), Hostens, K. (ProjectSupervisor), Vanhalst, K. (Project Assistant), Deloof, D. (Project Assistant), Vandecasteele, B. (ProjectSupervisor), Debode, J. (Project Manager), De Tender, C. (Former Project Manager) & Joos, L. (Former Researcher)
1/05/23 → 30/04/28
Project: Research
HOPBEL2.0: Characterization, breeding and propagation of regional hop races
Muylle, H. (Project Manager), Ghesquiere, A. (Researcher), De Jonghe, K. (Researcher), Debode, J. (Researcher) & Van Laere, K. (Researcher)
1/09/22 → 31/08/26
Project: Research
MUCOR: Identification of the problem and management of the fruitrot fungus Mucor in strawberry
Debode, J. (Project Manager)
1/07/22 → 30/06/26
Project: Research
SOILDIVERAGRO: Soil biodiversity enhancement in European agroecosystems to promote their stability and resilience by external inputs reduction and crop performance increase.
Waeyenberge, L. (Project Manager), Wustenberghs, H. (ProjectSupervisor), Debode, J. (ProjectSupervisor), Willekens, K. (Researcher), Bijttebier, J. (Researcher), Slos, D. (Researcher), Claeys, D. (Project Assistant), De Boever, M. (Researcher), Lox, S. (Former Researcher) & Devolder, T. (Former project assistant)
1/06/19 → 31/05/25
Project: Research
GP/EFSA/PLANTS/2022/05: Development of crop-based survey tools for plants pests of fruit trees in the EU
Debode, J. (Project Manager), Hoedekie, A. (ProjectSupervisor) & Maertens, F. (ProjectSupervisor)
23/11/22 → 22/05/24
Project: Research
Research output
Commodity risk assessment of Alnus cordata, Alnus glutinosa and Alnus incana plants from the UK
Civera, A. V., Baptista, P., Berlin, A., Chatzivassiliou, E., Cubero, J., Cunniffe, N., de la Peña, E., Desneux, N., Di Serio, F., Filipiak, A., Gonthier, P., Hasiów‐Jaroszewska, B., Jactel, H., Landa, B. B., Maistrello, L., Makowski, D., Milonas, P., Papadopoulos, N. T., Susi, H. & van der Gaag, D. J. & 16 others, , 16-Jan-2025, (E-pub ahead of print) In: EFSA Journal. 23, 1Research output: Contribution to journal › A1: Web of Science-article › peer-review
Open Access -
Tomato Soil Microbiome Recovery After Metam-Sodium Application
Valvekens, L., Quataert, P., Debode, J., Bogaert, A., Ommeslag, S., Maenhout, K., Rabasse, J.-M. & Haegeman, A., 20-May-2025.Research output: Contribution to conference › Poster
Open AccessFile1 Downloads (Pure) -
Characterisation of fruit trees in the EU: a tool for crop‐based survey of Union quarantine pests
de la Peña, E., Petri, C., Diaz‐Pendón, J. A., Hormaza, J. I., Romero, H., Hoedekie, A., Maertens, F., Debode, J., Graziosi, I. & Camilleri, M., 1-May-2024, In: EFSA Supporting Publications. 21, 5, 8823E.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article
Open Access -
Commodity risk assessment of Cornus alba and Cornus sanguinea plants from the UK
EFSA Panel on Plant Health (PLH), Mar-2024, In: EFSA Journal. 22, 3, p. e8657 e8657.Research output: Contribution to journal › A1: Web of Science-article › peer-review
Open Access -
Commodity risk assessment of Petunia spp. and Calibrachoa spp. unrooted cuttings from Costa Rica
Civera, A. V., Baptista, P., Berlin, A., Chatzivassiliou, E., Cubero, J., Cunniffe, N., de la Peña, E., Desneux, N., Di Serio, F., Filipiak, A., Gonthier, P., Hasiów‐Jaroszewska, B., Jactel, H., Landa, B. B., Maistrello, L., Makowski, D., Milonas, P., Papadopoulos, N. T., Susi, H. & van der Gaag, D. J. & 17 others, , Nov-2024, In: EFSA Journal. 22, 11Research output: Contribution to journal › A1: Web of Science-article › peer-review
Open Access
How to combine Trichoderma spp. with sustainable peat alternatives
Debode, J. (Invited speaker)
1-Jul-2024 → 5-Jul-2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Studiedag bladgewassen in de serre (grond)
Debode, J. (Speaker)
17-Feb-2023Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
BASTA-event @FestILVO
Viaene, J. (Speaker), Vandecasteele, B. (Speaker), Viaene, J. (Organisator), Debode, J. (Speaker), Peiren, N. (Speaker) & Willekens, K. (Speaker)
16-Sept-2022Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Het leven onder onze voeten.
Debode, J. (Speaker) & Waeyenberge, L. (Speaker)
15-Sept-2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Vandecasteele, B. (Organisator), Viaene, J. (Organisator), Van Huylenbroeck, J. (Organisator), Debode, J. (Organisator), De Tender, C. (Organisator) & Golsteyn, L. (Organisator)
22-Aug-2021 → 27-Aug-2021Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Organisation and participation in conference