Activities per year
- 28 results
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Wat is de link tussen herkauwers en climate change en wat is de impact van rundveehouderij op het milieu? Zijn er haalbare oplossingen?
Vandicke, J. (Invited speaker), Vandaele, L. (Invited speaker) & Goossens, K. (Invited speaker)
14-Oct-2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Convenant Enterische Emissies Rundvee (External organisation)
Vandicke, J. (Participant), De Campeneere, S. (Participant), Vandaele, L. (Participant) & Peiren, N. (Participant)
2019 → …Activity: Membership › Membership in committee, council, board
Visit researchers SLU to ILVO
Van De Gucht, T. (Organisator), Vangeyte, J. (Speaker), Briene, P. (Speaker), Zhuang, S. (Speaker), Tuyttens, F. (Speaker), Van De Vijver, R. (Speaker), Piccart, K. (Speaker), Vandenbussche, C. (Speaker), Vandaele, L. (Speaker), Millet, S. (Speaker), Benaissa, S. (Speaker), Van Weyenberg, S. (Speaker) & Maselyne, J. (Speaker)
3-Apr-2018Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Evidence for metabolic programming in dairy cattle based on field data
Vandaele, L. (Examiner)
30-May-2017Activity: Examination
De basis voor een goed rantsoen bij de hoogproductieve melkkoe
Vandaele, L. (Invited speaker)
21-Sept-2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Ammoniak en methaan vergeleken: oorsprong en reductiemogelijkheden
Vandaele, L. (Invited speaker)
15-Sept-2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
65th Annual Meeting EAAP 2014
Vandaele, L. (Speaker)
28-Aug-2014Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Organisation and participation in conference
The Effects of Nutritional Supplementation in Early Life on Methane Emissions and Performance in Ruminants (Sieglinde Debruyne)
Vandaele, L. (Promotor) & Fievez, V. (Promotor)
1-Jan-2014 → 25-Feb-2019Activity: Other › Types of other (prices, external and other activities) - (Co)promotor PhDthesis
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DDGS en bestendig sojaschroot als alternatieve eiwitbronnen bij hoogproductief melkvee
Vandaele, L. (Speaker)
1-Apr-2014Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
39th Animal Nutrition Research Forum
Vandaele, L. (Speaker)
3-Apr-2014Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Organisation and participation in conference
Alternatieve eiwitproducten
Vandaele, L. (Invited speaker)
17-Jan-2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Kengetallen en melkveevoeding
Vandaele, L. (Invited speaker)
3-Sept-2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Kengetallen en melkveevoeding/Bestendig sojaschroot als maatregel om soja-import te beperken: kengetallen en bestendig sojaschroot
Vandaele, L. (Invited speaker)
17-Sept-2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Reductie soja-import door gebruik bestendig sojaschroot: Bestendig sojaschroot
Vandaele, L. (Invited speaker)
4-Nov-2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Voeding in relatie tot de melk ureum concentratie (Joost Van Dooren)
Vandaele, L. (Promotor)
22-Jun-2013Activity: Other › Types of other (prices, external and other activities) - (Co)promotor bachelorthesis
Introduction Dairy Cattle Industrie in Belgium
Vandaele, L. (Speaker)
11-Apr-2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Reductie soja-import door gebruik bestendig sojaschroot: Bestendig sojaschroot
Vandaele, L. (Invited speaker)
21-Nov-2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
User-centric design of automatic lameness detection in dairy cattle
Vandaele, L. (Examiner)
24-Sept-2013 → 29-Nov-2017Activity: Examination
Mogelijkheden van DDGS en bestendig soja als alternatieve eiwitaanbreng in rundveevoeding: DDGS en bestendig sojaschroot
Vandaele, L. (Invited speaker)
19-Sept-2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
38 th Animal Nutrition Research Forum (2013)
Vandaele, L. (Speaker)
21-May-2013Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Organisation and participation in conference
Mogelijkheden van DDGS en bestendig soja als alternatieve eiwitaanbreng in rundveevoeding: DDGS en bestendig sojaschroot
Vandaele, L. (Invited speaker)
24-Sept-2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Eiwit- en krachtvoedervervangers
Vandaele, L. (Invited speaker)
15-Jan-2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
4th EAAP International Symposium on Energy and Protein Metabolism and Nutrition
Vandaele, L. (Speaker)
11-Sept-2013Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Organisation and participation in conference
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37th Animal Nutrition Research Forum (2012)
Vandaele, L. (Participation with poster)
2012Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Organisation and participation in conference
Voortplanting bij schapen en geiten
Vandaele, L. (Tutor)
7-Feb-2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Hoe optimaal voederen met de beschikbare ruwvoeders van dit jaar?
Vandaele, L. (Invited speaker)
6-Nov-2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Management comité (External organisation)
Vandaele, L. (Participant)
25-Jun-2012 → 3-Oct-2016Activity: Membership › Membership in research network
Solving the puzzle of inter-embryonic communication in bovine embryo group culture by proteomics (Eline Wydooghe)
Vandaele, L. (Copromotor)
1-Oct-2009 → 22-May-2018Activity: Other › Types of other (prices, external and other activities) - (Co)promotor PhDthesis