Projects per year
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Education/Academic qualification
Master Bio-Ingenieurswetenschappen Landbouwkunde
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Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
BREADCRUMB: BRinging Evidence-bAseD food Chain solutions to prevent and RedUce food waste related to Marketing standards, and deliver climate and circularity co-Benefits
Vangeyte, J. (Project Manager), Echo, C. F. (Project Assistant), Twarogowska, A. (Project Assistant), Van Droogenbroeck, B. (Project Assistant), De Man, S. (Project Assistant), Van Gompel, R. (Project Assistant) & Lemaitre, R. (Project Assistant)
1/01/24 → 31/12/26
Project: Research
CHORIZO: Changing Practices and Habits through Open, Responsible, and Social Innovation towards Zero Food Waste
Marchand, F. (Project Manager), De Geest, E. (ProjectSupervisor), Vangeyte, J. (Researcher), Wauters, E. (Researcher), Van Droogenbroeck, B. (Researcher), Coopmans, I. (Researcher), Echo, C. F. (Researcher), Claeys, D. (Project Assistant), Twarogowska, A. (Researcher), Lemaitre, R. (Researcher), Van Gompel, R. (Researcher), Bosch, S. (Researcher), Messely, L. (Researcher), Woning, J. (Researcher) & De Man, S. (Researcher)
1/10/22 → 30/09/25
Project: Research
ALEHOP: Upcycling processes of uncontrolled green macroalgae growth and residual biomass from brownmacroalgae and legumes to obtain alternative sources of proteins for food and feed applications
Bernaert, N. (Project Manager), Van Royen, G. (ProjectSupervisor), De Man, S. (Researcher), De Clerck, T. (Researcher), Szkudlarski, J. (Researcher) & Coudijzer, K. (Researcher)
1/06/20 → 28/02/25
Project: Research
LOCOSOY: Setting up a local, sustainable soybean value chain.
Van Droogenbroeck, B. (ProjectSupervisor), Heyndrickx, M. (Project Manager), Muylle, H. (ProjectSupervisor), De Man, S. (Researcher), De Rooze, E. (Project Assistant), Vanderstocken, T. (Project Assistant) & Merchie, J. (Project Assistant)
1/05/22 → 30/04/24
Project: Research
WEB_LOCOSOY: Setting up a local, sustainable soybean value chain.
Heyndrickx, M. (Researcher), Muylle, H. (Researcher), Van Droogenbroeck, B. (Researcher), Vanderstocken, T. (Researcher), De Man, S. (Researcher), Merchie, J. (Researcher) & De Rooze, E. (Researcher)
1/05/22 → 30/04/24
Project: Research
Research output
Het effect van semi-industriële vermaling en verhitting van spruitkool en prei op de fysico-chemische, nutritionele en sensorische kwaliteit
De Man, S., Bernaert, N., Delbaere, S. M. & Vancoillie, F., 17-Jul-2024, In: flanders' FOOD Radar.Research output: Contribution to journal › A4: Article in journal not included in A1, A2 or A3
Open Access -
Impact of consecutive steps through the food chain on the quality of Brussels sprouts, with a special focus on preparation and reheating as applied in large-scale kitchens
Delbaere, S. M., Vancoillie, F., Callens, A., Vanhegen, K., Bernaert, N., De Man, S., Sleurs, E., Duyck, Y. E., Van Poucke, C., Verkempinck, S. H. E., Grauwet, T. & Van Loey, A. M., Dec-2024, In: Applied Food Research. 4, 2, 100630.Research output: Contribution to journal › A1: Web of Science-article › peer-review
Open AccessFile3 Downloads (Pure) -
Prei van oogst tot vriesvak: de industriële verwerking
Chys, M., Sampers, I., Delbaere, S. M., Vancoillie, F., Bernaert, N. & De Man, S., 11-Sept-2024, In: flanders' FOOD Radar.Research output: Contribution to journal › A4: Article in journal not included in A1, A2 or A3
Open Access -
Sojameel: een eiwitrijk ingrediënt voor innovaties op kleine schaal
De Man, S., Van Droogenbroeck, B. & Martens, E., 28-Aug-2024, In: flanders' FOOD Radar.Research output: Contribution to journal › A4: Article in journal not included in A1, A2 or A3
Open Access -
Voedingstoepassingen van alternatieve eiwitten detecteren via experimental design
De Man, S. & Van Royen, G., 8-Mar-2023, In: flanders' FOOD Radar.Research output: Contribution to journal › A4: Article in journal not included in A1, A2 or A3
Influence of pH and drying technique on the technofunctionality of different legume protein concentrates
De Man, S. (Speaker)
7-Sept-2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
The influence of processing of a Brassica purée on the activity of polyphenoloxidase (PPO) and peroxidase (POD) and glucosinolate and polyphenol content
De Man, S. (Speaker)
25-Nov-2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Brassica 2018
De Man, S. (Participant)
4-Sept-2018Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Organisation and participation in conference
Agro-food reststromen: van kostenpost naar inkomstenbron
De Man, S. (Participant)
21-Jun-2018Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Eindverslag HighQJuice
De Man, S. (Speaker)
21-Sept-2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution