General introductionCan we positively influence the quality of cold cuts (charcuterie; liver paté and/or cooked sausage) by adding bioactive components with anti-oxidative effect from apple or leek? How do these antioxidants interact to affect protein oxidation in charcuterie? The goal of the research is innovative because, besides the effect of lipid oxidation, the impact of protein oxidation on the quality of charcuterie products will also be examined. The research is also in line with other research questions concerning the valorisation of products produced on the basis of residual flows of plant origin known to exhibit antioxidant activity. This research addresses the goals of meat processing to create higher-grade quality and healthier charcuterie products, and finding a useful application for a new product created by ILVO researchers: antioxidants that are isolated from by-products of fruit and vegetable production.
Research approachWe investigate the biochemical process behind protein oxidation in charcuterie in detail and develop the necessary analysis techniques. We select the transformation method of fruit and vegetables where the antioxidant capacity is preserved best. We apply this transformed side flow in a meat preparation model and evaluate the characteristics during each operation part of the production process of the charcuterie product (cutting, heating, cooking, etc.) in order to obtain an optimal model recipe. Finally, we measure the influence of the antioxidants added to the charcuterie on the protein oxidation in various stages of preservation of the end product. We evaluate the effect of each of the empirically tested antioxidants on the quality and health aspects of the charcuterie products.
Relevance/ValorisationThis research will provide fundamental knowledge that can be applied in possible practical follow-up projects. This research is responding to questions in the charcuterie industry about nutritional value, shelf life and health of their products. They get an answer to the question whether their product can improve by using natural antioxidants. The valorization of the research results can positively influence the image of the charcuterie products and strengthen the competitiveness of the companies.
External partner(s)
Ugent - Fac. Bio-ingenieurswetenschappen