General introductionEnerpedia is a consortium of research institutions (including ILVO), extension services and professional organizations that aims to demonstrate sustainable energy applications and to guide the agricultural and (greenhouse) horticultural sector in the implementation of these technologies. The consortium is built on the knowledge and experience generated in ongoing or completed research projects. Enerpedia presents a common strategy and serves as common communication channel. The tasks of ILVO within this consortium are the demonstration of energy efficient ventilation and energy production from biomass. The project Enerpedia v2.0, as part of the Flemish Climate Fund, is one of three complementary initiatives in Flanders running on the theme "Energy in agriculture and horticulture".
Research approachThe research consortium spreads information on pocket fermentation, small wind turbines, solar water heaters, energy efficient storage and refrigeration, and heat pumps, in short, very diverse renewable energy applications. The focus is on 1) awareness rising and training through digital communications, workshops, demonstrations, an Open Energy day and representation at trade shows; 2) networking among the various research actors; 3) comparison of innovative techniques; and 4) individual and / or group counseling of farmers. The impact of the project is estimated using a monitoring tools based on the anticipated climate / energy gain of the different actions of Enerpedia v2.0.
Relevance/ValorisationThrough efficient introduction of innovative and sustainable energy technologies into the various subsectors of agriculture and horticulture, we expect a significant energy saving, an increase of renewable energy production and finally a reduction of CO2, N2O and / or CH4 emissions. This has important implications for the climate and energy performance of the sector.