Implementation of circular raw materials in compound feeds for pigs, poultry and cattle

Project Details


General introduction

The climate footprint of the animal sector is determined by the nutrient and greenhouse gas emissions from the animals themselves as well as by the production of the consumed (compound) feeds. The more circular raw materials (e.g., residues from the food chain that are preferably not appropriate for human consumption, residues from other industries or branches of agriculture) are used, the more alternative sources of protein become available that avoid imported soy, and the more sustainable the purchased feed can become. The Circfeed research project works according to that law. The researchers aim to identify and characterize circular and alternative raw materials and residual flows. The goal is for livestock farms to advance ecologically and economically along with the circularity efforts of feed mills. Making animal production more sustainable in terms of climate and on a social and economic level (partly through this project) strengthens the chances of a long-term continuation of business activity in Flanders. 

Research approach

To expand and accelerate the implementation of circular raw materials and residual streams in animal feeds for pigs, poultry and cattle, it is necessary to identify the availability and bottlenecks of circular raw materials and residual streams (their usability in compound feeds). We then characterize the nutritional value for different animal species. We determine incorporation rates, preservation modalities, stability and processing. We arrive at a publicly available summary table of useful dry and wet circular raw materials and residues for the feed industry. The table integrates information on chemical composition, variability in chemical composition, feed value for different animal species, as well as guidelines regarding incorporation rates and recommendations for sampling, transportation and storage.


Upgrading circular raw materials and residual flows into animal feed is a positive development if it results in net higher quality animal proteins.  This project fits into the Flemish Protein and Circular strategies: by strengthening the use of local raw materials and residual flows, it contributes to (new or stronger) local chains, and to less dependence on imported raw materials. The animal feed sector has been working on circularity and residual flows for some time. This project reinforces those efforts.  

Funding provider(s)

External partner(s)
Effective start/end date1/05/2430/04/27

Data Management Plan flag for FRIS

  • DMP not present


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