Insect meal and whey powder: new potential protein sources for 100% organic layer feed

Project Details


General introduction

Insect meal and whey powder have technical potential as alternative protein sources in the organic poultry sector, but their use still faces financial and logistical challenges. This is evident from the LEGMEME project which ended in 2024. Although both protein sources are available on the market, they remain underused due to practical constraints and also European regulations. The pressure on the organic sector is increasing. Since 2022, 30% of feed must be of regional origin, and from 2026 the exception allowing up to 5% conventional protein in the feed of young poultry will expire. This project investigated alternative proteins, with a special focus on methionine and vitamin B2.

Research approach

In the study, ILVO replaced 5% of the soybean meal with insect meal, supplemented with potato protein, in a test feed for laying hens. This resulted in a higher laying percentage, heavier eggs and darker egg yolks compared to the control group. In addition, 2.5% milk whey powder was processed in organic feed, replacing soy flakes, but this showed no significant differences in the laying hen trial.


Despite the small scale of the trials, the researchers were able to confirm the potential for the use of insect meal and whey powder in poultry feed. The higher cost price of both products is currently still a barrier. Scaling up production could potentially reduce costs, but alternative proteins such as rice protein, which are already used by commercial feed companies, are more cost-effective. A second barrier to implementation lies in the technical challenges of feeding insect meal and whey powder, in terms of logistics on the farm and processing within feed mills. Further scale-up and research are needed to address these challenges and facilitate the introduction of alternative protein sources.

Funding provider(s)
Proefbedrijf Pluimveehouderij
Vlaamse Overheid - L&V
Effective start/end date15/02/2231/12/23

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