Raising and processing entire male pigs in organic pig farming

Project Details


General introduction

Keeping and processing intact (non surgically castrated) boars is experiencing bottlenecks in organic pig farming. The goal of this project is to address these challenges in primary production and processing and consumer acceptance. We ensure that the entire chain, with the support of the project team, can gain experience with keeping intact boars and with the processing and marketing of this boar meat.

Research approach

The first step is to make an inventory of the existing solutions. Together with the sector, we select the best practices regarding behavior and boar taint that are relevant for organic pig farming. On 3 farms, a group of male pigs will be monitored according to the best practices, and the impact on behavior, odor and meat quality of both fresh meat and processed meat products will be evaluated.  

In addition, throughout the project we are putting strong emphasis on consultation and interaction with chain partners to provide support and answers to the questions raised in the sector.


The project involves collaboration with the chain, including sellers, cutters and processors of organic pork in Flanders. If the outcome of the project is positive, it can be expected that most Flemish organic pig farmers will be able to stop the practice of castration.

Funding provider(s)
Departement Omgeving, afdeling Dierenwelzijn

External partner(s)
BioForum Vlaanderen
Effective start/end date1/12/2331/05/25

Data Management Plan flag for FRIS

  • DMP not present


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