Study of the impact of light on the species caught in pots

Project Details


<strong>General introduction</strong><br /><p>Technical improvements for professional pot fishing (pots that are galvanized with a lure and retrieved) is the central research question in the POLUX project. Pot fishing seems to be a promising sector-and at the same time, so far there has been very little work on more innovative equipment. It is particularly important to investigate how to improve selectivity and promote the capture of new species while fishing sustainably with the least impact on the marine environment.&nbsp;</p><br /><strong>Research approach</strong><br /><p>The POLUX project will address several technical and scientifical questions, through a holistic approach, involving fishing professionals and scientists. This approach will combine the collection of biometric data (sex, size, weight of individuals, &hellip;), environmental data (temperature, depth, turbidity, salinity), behavior data (underwater images) as well as statistical analysis.&nbsp;</p> <p>The POLUX project will cover three objectives that correspond to the issues mentioned above:&nbsp;</p> <ol> <li>Acquire more knowledge concerning effects of light on the different species caught with pots&nbsp;</li> <li>Evaluate the potential of light on the diversification of pots metiers</li> <li>Study the selective capacity of light in pot fishing&nbsp;</li> </ol><br /><strong>Relevance/Valorisation</strong><br /><p>This type of research will help strenghten the existing pot fisheries for the future as well as improve their viability now. It might even offer alternatives to less sustainable fishing practices thus aiding in the combat against biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation. &nbsp;Another advantage of the development of pot fishing could be to promote the attractivity of the fishing industry and to attract young people.&nbsp;</p>
Effective start/end date1/01/2423/01/26

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