Optimal protein nutrition in pig feed

Project Details


General introduction

OPTEVAR aims to determine the optimal protein and amino acid composition of pig feed, taking into account farm-specific conditions. The focus is on reducing nitrogen emissions through an optimized feeding strategy. Specifically, we aim to 1) identify the amino acid requirements of pigs in the finishing phase and translate them into practical feeding guidelines, 2) further develop a concept and model for characterizing farms and estimating farm-specific amino acid requirements, and 3) evaluate the effect of protein reduction on nitrogen emissions, ammonia volatilization, and the carbon footprint of the feed.

Research approach

The researchers employ a combination of growth trials and modeling to determine the essential amino acid requirements for optimal growth performance of fattening pigs. The relationship between protein reduction and nitrogen emissions, ammonia volatilization, and the carbon footprint of the feed will be assessed in the gas exchange chambers at ILVO. A previously developed concept for classifying pig farms in the Netherlands will be adapted for use in Flemish pig farms. Additionally, a Dutch computational model for assessing the effect on the optimal amino acid composition of feeds for meat pigs and piglets will be adapted.


Strict nitrogen regulations are putting pressure on intensive pig farming and the animal feed industry. A crucial aspects of emissions reduction is a better understanding of amino acid requirements. New insights can help feed producers to develop more efficient feeds that lead to less nitrogen losses, as they give the animal precisely what it needs. 

Funding provider(s)

External partner(s)
Wageningen UR - Livestock Research
Effective start/end date1/05/2430/04/27

Data Management Plan flag for FRIS

  • DMP not present


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