Transition to agroecology

Project Details


General introduction

TRANSAE investigates how farmers in transition towards agroecology can be better supported. To this end, farmers themselves set up experiments in which they gain experience with agroecological practices. Researchers also examine how agricultural advisors can further develop their roles and competences to support this transition. In addition, we explore which factors in the context can either facilitate or hinder the transition. The aim of TRANSAE is to develop a guidance methodology for farmers in transition.


Research approach

Within three regions (Flanders, Wallonia and northern France) a total of 40 pioneer farmers are guided in their transition to agroecology. Knowledge exchange is stimulated by setting up interactive activities, within and between regions, whereby the learning context is monitored via a reflexive approach (Reflexive Monitoring in Action). Experiments are followed up, results are discussed in group. Trainings are organised for the advisors to grow in their roles of facilitator, mediator, and the like.



The results of this project contribute to a renewed view on the role of advisors in development. The follow-up of the experiments that farmers carry out on their own fields provides insights into how a participatory approach can be used by valorizing farmer knowledge.

Effective start/end date1/01/1830/06/22

Data Management Plan flag for FRIS

  • DMP not present


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