Fishery measures in the context of European Nature Directives

Project Details


General introduction

Through the Habitats Directive and Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) the EU member states are obliged to protect specific underwater habitats. For Belgium this concerns Habitat 1110 (shallow sandbanks) and 1170 (gravel beds and Lanice conchilega (sand mason worm) aggregations). For the protection of these habitats, areas need to be delineated excluding anthropogenic sea bottom disturbance (e.g. fisheries). For this purpose three search zones have been demarcated in the new Marine Spatial Plan (2021-26). In our approach we strive to safeguard the areas with the highest ecological value and simultaneously to minimize the impact on important economic activities, such as fisheries.

Research approach

Together with the Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences (RBINS),  the following research tasks are carried out.

(1)    An update of the habitat suitability maps for macrobenthos (invertebrates living on the seabed) and the biological valuation map of 2008 ( is made. This map delineates the ecologically most valuable zones.

(2)    The fishing activity executed by the different Member States in the Belgian part of the North Sea is mapped in detail, in such way that the most economically valuable zones for fishing are determined.

(3)    An analysis concerning the sensitivity of the different habitat types (1110 and 1170) in relation to bottom disturbing fisheries is executed.

(4)    Different scenarios were developped, using the MARXAN spatial planning tool, in order to delieate the potential habitat protection areas where fishing measures will be in place.


This project has drawn up a scientific dossier for the negotiation of fisheries measures in the Belgian part of the North Sea, as laid down in the Belgian Marine Spatial Plan (2021-26). There are 3 areas proposed, which need to be closed for bottom disturbing activities, inculding fishery with mobile bottom contacting gears. The further negotiations in relation to this measure will be conducted at Flemish level and with the European member states in order to produce a joint delegate act for the European Commission. Such a regulation lays down rules and measures that further flesh out previously adopted legislation, in this case in relation to the protection of marine areas.

Funding provider(s)
FOD Volksgezondheid, Veiligheid van de voedselketen en Leefmilieu
Effective start/end date1/01/2015/07/21

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