Project Details


General introduction

In early 2021, the consultancy service for better soil and water quality called B3W (Begeleidingsdienst voor Betere Bodem en Waterkwaliteit) was launched as a new guidance and information service for the Flemish agriculture and horticulture sector. ILVO is one of the 12 knowledge centers that contributed to B3W. Based on in-depth knowledge and practical experience, B3W guides agricultural and horticultural companies in their evolution towards sustainable nutrient management and soil care. The aim is to reduce nutrient losses to water, soil and air as well as to improve soil fertility. B3W was set up on behalf of the Flemish Land Agency (VLM).

Research approach

ILVO works with 11 other Flemish agricultural research institutes and practical research centres, each with different locations and areas of (crop) expertise. They organize themselves for an efficient exchange of knowledge, among themselves and especially towards the intended customers. Three types of activities are planned: (i) thematic exchange moments where a demonstration takes place at a practicing farm, (ii) focus groups as learning networks in which farms participate voluntarily to apply existing knowledge and develop new knowledge and (iii) individual guidance to improve nutrient management on a specific farm.


B3W helps to apply the latest, empirically substantiated insights in practice. Fertilizing 'more accurately' remains difficult because the (increasingly UNpredictable) weather conditions have a major influence on the growth and the absorption capacity of nutrients by the plants, and the possible leaching or emissions. The context of the individual farms and their crops and rotations is also very different. The guidance around the innovative, substantiated techniques in practice takes into account sustainable and integrated nutrient management, soil care, soil quality and climate, but also the practical applicability on these farms.

Funding provider(s)
Vlaamse Landmaatschappij
Effective start/end date1/01/2131/12/28

Data Management Plan flag for FRIS

  • DMP not present


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