Analysis of the transcriptome of the root lesion nematode Pratylenchus coffeae generated by 454 sequencing technology

Annelies Haegeman, Soumi Joseph, Godelieve Gheysen

    Research output: Contribution to journalA1: Web of Science-articlepeer-review


    To study interactions between plants and plant-parasitic nematodes, several omics studies have nowadays become extremely useful. Since most data available so far is derived from sedentary nematodes, we decided to improve the knowledge on migratory nematodes by studying the transcriptome of the nematode Pratylenchus coffeae through generating expressed sequence tags (ESTs) on a 454 sequencing platform. In this manuscript we present the generation, assembly and annotation of over 325,000 reads from P. coffeae. After assembling these reads, 56,325 contigs and singletons with an average length of 353bp were selected for further analyses. Homology searches revealed that 25% of these sequences had significant matches to the Swiss-prot/trEMBL database and 29% had significant matches in nematode ESTs. Over 10,000 sequences were successfully annotated, corresponding to over 6000 unique Gene Ontology identifiers and 5000 KEGG orthologues. Different approaches led to the identification of different sequences putatively involved in the parasitism process. Several plant cell wall modifying enzymes were identified, including an arabinogalactan galactosidase, so far identified in cyst nematodes only. Additionally, some new putative cell wall modifying enzymes are present belonging to GHF5 and GHF16, although further functional studies are needed to determine the true role of these proteins. Furthermore, a homologue to a chorismate mutase was found, suggesting that this parasitism gene has a wider occurrence in plant-parasitic nematodes than previously assumed. Finally, the dataset was searched for orthologues against the Meloidogyne genomes and genes involved in the RNAi pathway. In conclusion, the generated transcriptome data of P. coffeae will be very useful in the future for several projects: (1) evolutionary studies of specific gene families, such as the plant cell wall modifying enzymes, (2) the identification and functional analysis of candidate effector genes, (3) the development of new control strategies, e.g. by finding new targets for RNAi and (4) the annotation of the upcoming genome sequence.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalMolecular and Biochemical Parasitology
    Pages (from-to)7-14
    Number of pages8
    Publication statusPublished - 2011


    • Animals
    • Daucus carota
    • Expressed Sequence Tags
    • Gene Expression Profiling
    • Sequence Analysis, DNA
    • Tylenchoidea


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