Country-specific analysis of competitiveness and resilience of organic and low input dairy farms across Europe

Jolien Hamerlinck, Jo Bijttebier, Ludwig Lauwers, Simon Moakes

Research output: Contribution to conferencePoster

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Organic (ORG) and low-input (LI) dairy farms may have environmental advantages compared to high-input (HI) farms, but may also be less competitive in economic terms. This paper focuses on resilience in relative profitability of ORG and LI farms compared to HI farms in EU countries. Both a trend and a shock scenario were developed, based on milk and feed prices during 2007-2012. Although LI farms greatly vary among the EU countries, they tend to be more resilient than HI farms when assuming trend conditions. Moreover, they seem less affected by extremely low prices. ORG farms appear even more resilient in comparison with HI and LI farms but this can be explained by the higher revenues from subsidies.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - Oct-2014
Event18de IFOAM/ISOFAR Organic World Congress - Istanbul, Turkey
Duration: 13-Oct-201415-Oct-2014


Conference18de IFOAM/ISOFAR Organic World Congress


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