Low input (LI) dairy farming in Europe: country-specificaties and competitiveness

Ludwig Lauwers, Jef Van Meensel, Jolien Hamerlinck, Nigel Scollan, Simon Moakes, Jo Bijttebier

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePoster


    Absence of a clear definition of low-input dairy farming prevents answering questions about their competitiveness. This paper presents a pragmatic approach, based on available EU Farm Accountancy Data of 2004-2012, to distinguish a low input quartile from a high input quartile in each EU country. The value of external input costs per grazing livestock unit is used as prior discriminating indicator. Low input dairy farms are clearly smaller and less productive than high input farms, which overall results in lower outputs. Both direct and fixed costs are, however, also lower, which ends up in a comparable profitability.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages1
    Publication statusPublished - Sept-2017
    Event15th EAAE Congress: Towards Sustainable Agri-Food Systems:
    Balancing between Markets and Society
    - Parma, Italy
    Duration: 29-Aug-20171-Sept-2017


    Conference15th EAAE Congress: Towards Sustainable Agri-Food Systems:
    Balancing between Markets and Society
    Abbreviated title15th EAAE Congress
    Internet address


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