Marine management in the Southern North Sea ‐ Leadership and transparency (can) make the difference

Christine Röckmann, Ellen Pecceu, David Goldsborough, Thomas Kirk Sorensen, Lotte Kindt-Larsen, Kristian Hostens, Frank Maes, Sandra Vöge, Robbert Jak, Wanfei Qiu, Peter Jones

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceC3: Conference - meeting abstractpeer-review


    The North Sea is one of the most intensively used sea areas in the world, and the demand for space for human activities is still increasing. Marine spatial planning and management, that does not stop at national boundaries and takes into account an ecosystem approach, is thus needed. Here, lessons from governance analyses of four smaller areas in the Southern North sea are synthesized: The Belgian EEZ, Danish Natura 2000 sites, the Dogger Bank and the Wadden Sea. All four areas comprise designated Natura 2000 sites, protected areas, and therefore need to implement a management plan for other human activities, in particular concerning fisheries and offshore windfarms. The areas differ in
    setting, management focus, and governance approaches. Despite these differences our governance synthesis highlights several common themes that are crucial for fostering effective marine management: the need for leadership and political will to move forward into a direction despite scientific uncertainties; and the need for clear and transparent structures, expected roles, responsibilities, and potential consequences, such that relevant stakeholders get, and stay, engaged in the management process.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 10-Oct-2013
    EventMESMA Final Event - Lissabon, Portugal
    Duration: 8-Oct-201310-Oct-2013


    SymposiumMESMA Final Event


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