Phytoplasma diseases and their vectors in the United Kingdom, The Netherlands and Belgium

Gertie Peusens, Philippe Lepoivre, Stéphan Steyer, Pierre Laurent, Kris De Jonghe, Matt Dickinson, Martin Verbeek, Tim Beliën

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingC3: Conference Abstract


    Here we give an overview of the current status of phytoplasma diseases, their vectors and recent
    research efforts in Belgium, UK and The Netherlands.
    In 1981, apple proliferation (AP, associated with ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma mali’, EPPO A2 list) was
    discovered for the first time in Belgium. Until recently symptomatic trees had sporadically been
    reported and found infected but they were subsequently destroyed. In 2009 two samples collected in a
    nursery in the south-west of Belgium tested positive by PCR. Infected trees as well as adjacent trees
    have been uprooted and burned to prevent disease spread.
    Symptoms of pear decline had been observed in the past in some orchards but the presence of
    ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma pyri’ (EPPO A2 List) was never confirmed by molecular tests. In 2010 and
    2011 a limited survey was carried out in a few commercial and non-commercial orchards (apple and
    pear) and revealed the presence of both quarantine organisms in root (AP) and leaf samples (PD).
    Psyllids were collected as well and identified. Following Cacopsylla sp. were found: C. mali, C.
    melanoneura and C. picta in apple, C. melanoneura, C. peregrina, C. affinis and C. crataegi in adjacent
    hawthorn hedges, C. pyri and C. pyricola in pear. Further research and official inspection of orchards
    and nurseries is currently on going and preliminary results will be presented.
    The Netherlands
    Both diseases are also present in the Netherlands - AP at low incidence, PD at moderate rate - as well
    as the vector species C. melanoneura, C. pyri and C. pyricola. Another phytoplasma was detected in
    gladiolus and hyacinth – ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris’ – as well as its vector Macrosteles
    United Kingdom
    In the UK, phytoplasmas are detected only sporadically in minor crops. However imported
    poinsettias contain phytoplasma but this does not constitute a disease.
    Translated title of the contributionFytoplasma ziekten en hun vectoren in het Verenigd Koninkrijk, Nederland en België
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationCOST ACTION FA0807 FINAL MEETING abstract book
    Publication date29-Sept-2013
    Publication statusPublished - 29-Sept-2013
    EventCOST meeting FA0807 - Integrated Management of Phytoplasma Epidemics in Different Crop Systems - Lisboa, Portugal
    Duration: 29-Sept-20131-Oct-2013

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