Resistance of red clover to broad spectrum of Sclerotinia trifoliorum

Tim Vleugels, Joost Baert, Kurt Heungens, Marianne Malengier, Gerda Cnops, Erik Van Bockstaele

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingC1: Articles in proceedingspeer-review


In this research a diversity study on different European isolates of the pathogenic fungus S. trifoliorum will be performed using mycelial compatibility grouping and AFLP. The next step is the development of a bio-test to screen red clover plants for their resistance level against clover rot. The third step in this research is evaluating different European strains for their virulence and evaluating a broad spectrum of red clover varieties for their resistance against S. trifoliorum. Over 100 varieties will be evaluated, including both cultivars, landraces and wild varieties. Finally the inheritage of clover rot resistance in red clover will be evaluated by a QTL study.
Sclerotinia isolates have been collected from clover fields among different European countries. Mycelial compatibility has shown a large variability within fields. The DNA extraction has been optimalized. Sequencing of the ITS-region will be used to determine the exact species of every isolate. Primer combinations are currently being tested for the AFLP study. Different culture media were tested for their capacity to induce the production of multiple big sclerotia. The most optimal medium is being used to produce sclerotia from every isolate. Sclerotia are induced to apothecia formation and formed ascospores will be used to construct the bio-test.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationSustainable Use of Genetic Diversity in Forage and Turf Breeding, Eucarpia
Number of pages5
Place of PublicationLa Rochelle
PublisherHumana Press, Springer
Publication date2009
Publication statusPublished - 2009
EventEucarpia 28th Fodder Crops and Amenity Grasses Section Meeting - La Rochelle, France
Duration: 11-May-200914-May-2009


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