Susceptibility of European cultivars of Italian and perennial ryegrass to crown and stem rust

F.X. Schubiger, J. Baert, B. Bayle, P. Bourdon, B. Cagas, V. Cernoch, E. Czembor, F. Eickmeyer, U. Feuerstein, S. Hartmann, H. Jakesova, D. Johnston, B. Krautzer, H. Leenheer, H. Lellbach, C. Persson, W. Pietraszek, U.K. Posselt, M. Romani, L. RussiS. Schulze, M.C. Tardin, F. VanHee, L. van Kruijssen, P. Wilkins, E. Willner, L. Wolters, B. Boller

    Research output: Contribution to journalA1: Web of Science-articlepeer-review


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    Agricultural and Biological Sciences