Sustainability of dairy farming and the implementation of EU environmental directives in the northwest of Europe

Maria de Vries, Lies Debruyne, Frans Aarts

    Research output: Book/ReportReport

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    The INTERREG IVB project DAIRYMAN (2009-2013) aims to strengthen rural communities and regional economies by improving dairy farm resource management in a profitable way and by stimulating collaboration between dairy farmers and other rural stakeholders. DAIRYMAN brings together partners from the regions Brittany (FB), Pays de la Loire (FL), Nord Pas de Calais (FN), Ireland (IR), Northern Ireland (IN), Flanders (BF), Wallonia (BW), Baden-Württemberg (GE), Luxembourg (LU) and the Netherlands (NL).
    This report summarizes facts and figures on the sustainability and on the implementation of EU environmental directives of the different participating regions. This report was presented during a stakeholder conference in Ghent (October 2012).
    The ‘sustainability chapter’ starts with a short description of each region in which general characteristics are presented. The importance of dairy farming in the region is described and an average dairy farm in the region is characterized, together with a classification of potential difficulties encountered by local dairy farmers. Besides this, objective information is given regarding the state of environmental issues in each region. This is followed by a ranking for each region based on the priority given to each of the issues and the contribution of dairy farming as seen by the regional stakeholders.
    Chapter 2 of this report summarizes the regulations for dairy farmers implemented in regional legislation to comply with European Environmental Directives, mainly the Nitrates Directive (ND) but also the Water Framework Directive (WFD), the National Emission Ceilings (NEC), and the international agreements made to limit GHG emissions. Although this legislation may be based, in part, on common European Directives, the interpretation of these Directives and the resulting implementation is widely differing across the regions which is extensively discussed in this second chapter of the report.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages68
    Publication statusPublished - Jun-2013


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