The Fourth Regime of Open Space

Hubert Gulinck, Ernesto Marcheggiani, Anna Verhoeve, Kirsten Bomans, Valerie Dewaelheyns, Frederik Lerouge, Andrea Galli

    Research output: Contribution to journalA1: Web of Science-articlepeer-review


    This article reinterprets open space as the theatre of adaptive regimes in the interfering
    wakes of two major waves of transformation: the agricultural and the urban transformation. The aim
    of the wave regime concept is to accommodate traditional and emerging land uses in a logical scheme
    of co-existing regimes separated by transition waves in space and time. Each wave corresponds
    to a transitional stage from one set to another set of value regime, which by the agents of the
    transformation is interpreted as a major value increase. The current struggle for space and the difficult
    interpretations of quality and sustainability can be explained as expressions of competition between
    value regimes. These value regimes tend to be driven and perpetuated by customary paradigms of
    land-use planning and management (urban planning, ecology, agronomy, etc.). Land-use sectors
    ask for rather unambiguous definitions and clear use rights of land use categories and zoning,
    leaving limited possibility for interaction, mixed regimes and innovative multifunctional land-use.
    New service demands, new sustainability and resilience urgencies challenge these customary land-use
    planning paradigms and their rules and instruments. This paper acknowledges a third wave and
    consequent fourth regime. This regime seeks overall increased sustainability and resilience in open
    spaces, stressing the strategic importance of unsealed soils and other life conditioning substrates.
    Different existing land-use models, such as “transition towns”, “agroforestry” and many more,
    can be interpreted as fourth regime examples, but altogether there is a need for more coordination or
    integration to turn the third wave concept into a real “wave”. A specific target is to scan territories for
    characteristics and values according to the prevailing regimes, and assess each unit in terms of third
    wave transition opportunities, even within active uses that may be at odds with customary rules and
    expectations. This is illustrated for cases of illegal intake of farmland for non-agricultural activities
    and for domestic gardens as a missing category in customary rural and land use policy.
    Translated title of the contributionHet vierde regime in de open ruimte
    Original languageEnglish
    Article numberSustainability 2018, 10, 2143; doi:10.3390/su10072143
    Issue number7
    Number of pages15
    Publication statusPublished - Jul-2018


    • land-use regime
    • open space
    • planning
    • value
    • waves of transformation


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