The use of RPAS to quantitatively assess grassland status in space and time

Peter Lootens, Koen Mertens, Tom De Swaef, Irene Borra Serrano, Ruben Van De Vijver, Junfeng Gao, Thomas Vanderstocken, Filip De Brouwer, Kurt Heungens, Jonas Aper, An Ghesquiere, Alex De Vliegher, Joost Baert, David Nuyttens, Jürgen Vangeyte, Isabel Roldán-Ruiz

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterpeer-review


ISense, a new ILVO project, aims to establish a transdisciplinary framework and visible pool of expertise regarding sensor technology. The PCF case will explore the practical applicability of RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aircraft System) technology with the appropriate sensors for the farmer and breeder. The number of cost-efficient non-destructive tools for the monitoring of biomass, biotic and abiotic stress for the farmer is currently inadequate. The use of these tools, in combination with GIS, GPS and remote sensing allows to tune nutrient, disease and water management to take into account variability in and between parcels. The technology to work location-dependent is available, but the information and management tools are lagging behind. For grassland management there is a need for objective plant-physiology based criteria, allowing crop evaluation in a quick and objective manner with a high resolution. Therefore, the PCF case will use RPAS for the development of a methodology to assess the evaluation of crop status in space and time. Within the PCF case, we will therefore focus on different applications: (i) the monitoring of biomass in grass(/clover) in terms of yield and botanical composition, (ii) the evaluation of drought stress in fodder grass. First results will be discussed.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 5-Sept-2016
EventGeneral meeting of the European Grassland Federation: The multiple roles of grassland in the European bioeconomy - Trondheim, Norway
Duration: 4-Sept-20168-Sept-2016
Conference number: 26


ConferenceGeneral meeting of the European Grassland Federation
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