Sarah Garré is a researcher at the Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (ILVO) in Belgium where she coordinates research around water and agriculture. She applies geophysical techniques and multiscale models to investigate sustainable management of water resources in an agricultural context. She likes to work at the interface between science and society and is the author of the children's book: the wonderful world of water.In her presentation, Sarah will give an overview of the water challenges she has been investigating in the past years ranging from sustainable irrigation and drainage practices over quantifying the impact of groundwater on agricultural yield to below-ground characterization of plants in the field for breeding programs. After the presentation, she looks forward to discussing with interested researchers at NIBIO how she can work with us in future research projects.
Periode | 23-aug.-2023 |
Gehouden op | NIBIO, Noorwegen |
Mate van erkenning | Nationaal |
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