Dead fish tell no tales – the utility of reflexes in discard survival assessments

    Activiteit: Gesprek of presentatieLezing en mondelinge bijdrage


    Woensdag, 4 Juni, 13:30-16:30
    13:30 Welkom, introductie, overlopen van agenda
    13:45 Powerpoint presentatie ‘Dead fish tell no tales – the utility of reflexes in discard
    mortality assessments’ (Sebastian Uhlmann, ILVO)
    14:00 Discussie, vragen
    14:15 Powerpoint presentatie ‘Candidate reflexes of sole and plaice’ (Sebastian Uhlmann, ILVO)
    14:30 Koffie en thee

    14:45 Reflex testen in het bijgebouw (misschien in twee groepjes)
    16:15 Afronden en samenvatting

    19:30 Optioneel: avondeten bij ‘t Zeezotje, Bonenstraat 17 (vissersplein), Oostende

    Donderdag, 5 Juni, 13:30-16:30
    10:00 Powerpoint presentation: ‘Stacks, racks or jacks - What is the ideal set-up for captive monitoring?’ (vergaderzaal 1)
    ‘Whiteboard’ discussie:
    • Engineering opties bakkenopstelling
    • Engineering opties voor technieken om discard overleving te verbeteren
    11:30 In de praktijk: kijken naar de bestaande overlevingsbakken (bijgebouw)
    12:50 Afronding

    13:00 – 13:30 Lunch (broodjes voorzien voor diegenen die nog wat langer willen blijven)

    13:30 – 15:00 Reflexen training en herhalen van woensdag (optioneel)

    Sebastian presented some slides about the utility of the reflex method. He explained that just like for humans, capacity to respond to neurological stimuli may be a useful tool to gauge an organism’s condition and ideally probability of survival. It has been a validated concept for many different taxa. Sebastian presented in video and pictures, the candidate reflexes that have been identified and deemed suitable for plaice and sole. Forty plaice and sole across the full length spectrum found in the beam trawl fishery were tested, in both lab and field environments. Some dab have been tested, but more fish were collected to confirm the suitability of nine candidate reflexes.
    Titel evenementILVO
    Soort evenementAndere
    LocatieOostende, BelgiëTonen op kaart
    Mate van erkenningInternationaal