Does EU GM-policy need some modification as well? Reflections from social sciences

  • Joost Dessein (Spreker op uitnodiging)

    Activiteit: Gesprek of presentatieLezing en mondelinge bijdrage


    How do technology and human beings relate? Is technology merely instrumental (the externalist view)? Or does technology actively shape human behavior and interpretation? Building on the work of Inghelbrecht et al. (2016), this contribution will refer to Verbeeks mediation theory to illustrate how ethical concerns about agricultural practices have co-evolved with the technological development of GM crops. From this perspective, the essence of the public debate on GM crops in the EU goes beyond the portrayed dichotomous Yes/No framing, and is an attempt to characterise and discuss how EU agriculture is, could and should be organised. It shifts the question from a technocratic assessment of the (economic) gains and losses of a technology, towards the fundamentally political question of how technology applications help to shape human interpretation and human action (Verbeek 2011).
    Titel evenement8th meeting of the the International Organisation for Biological and Integrated Control (IOBC): Modern Biotechnology in Integrated Crop Management
    Soort evenementSymposium
    LocatieGent, BelgiëTonen op kaart
    Mate van erkenningInternationaal