European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) (Externe Organisatie)

    Activiteit: LidmaatschapLid van een onderzoeksnetwerk


    The European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) brings together agricultural economists and others interested in the problems of the agricultural and food industries and rural development in Europe. The main objectives of the Association are:

    (a) the furtherance of knowledge and understanding of agricultural economics, especially in the European context;
    (b) the exchange of experience, ideas and information between agricultural economists.

    Our principal activities include the holding of a triennial Congress on a general theme, the organization of seminars devoted to more specific subjects as well as organising a PhD training workshop for PhD students every two years.

    Membership of the Association provides you with the right to take part in our seminars, workshops and Congresses. In addition, you receive a monthly electronic newsflash with information on forthcoming events and other news of interest to you as an agricultural economist. As a member, you may also submit news of events that you are organising to the Newsflash which reaches an audience of approximately 1,400 agricultural economists around Europe. You can also submit information on upcoming vacancies and open positions which will appear under the Vacant Positions on the home page, for non-members there is a small fee for this service.

    As a member, you also receive free access to the electronic version of the publication EuroChoices. The European Review of Agricultural Economics (ERAE) is the official journal of the Association and membership allows you to subscribe to this journal at a discount. In addition, as a member you have access to the members-only section of this website which allows you to quickly identify relevant people working in your field.
    Periode2011 → …
    Gehouden opEuropean Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE)
    Mate van erkenningInternationaal