Activiteit: Deelnemen aan een evenement of er een organiseren › Organisatie en deelname aan een workshop, opleiding, seminarie
ECCB2020 is the main computational biology and bioinformatics conference this year in Europe. ECCB2020 is adapting to the current circumstances so it will virtually gather scientists from a broad range of disciplines including leading bioinformatics researchers, computational biologists, Bio-IT professionals as well as students from Europe and around the world. ECCB2020 also welcomes a number of companies participating in this event and especially to the official sponsors.
This virtual event will be held from August 31st to September 8th, 2020. During the first week, delegates will have the opportunity to attend a number of attractive workshops and tutorials under the umbrella of New Trends in Bioinformatics by ECCB. The main conference will offer on September 7th and 8th a compact two-day programme with several top keynote speakers and insightful themed talks selected from delegates submissions as well as exciting sessions from different bioinformatics communities including ELIXIR as European representative.