European Society for Rural Sociology (Externe Organisatie)

  • Joost Dessein (Deelnemer)

    Activiteit: LidmaatschapLid van een onderzoeksnetwerk


    European Society for Rural Sociology

    Today, ESRS is the leading European association for scientists involved in the study of
    agriculture and fisheries, food production and consumption, rural development and change,
    rurality and cultural heritage, equality and inequal ity in rural society, and nature and
    environmental care. The membership in the ESRS is open to people in- and outside Europe
    who are interested in the study of rural questions.

    The objectives of ESRS are:

    to stimulate and promote the development of rural sociology
    to foster closer relations between rural sociologists, other social scientists, and practitioners with an interest in agricultural development, rural society and the environment
    to promote international co-operation and the exchange of information and experience in the field of rural sociological research
    to provide a forum in Europe for the discussion of issues related to rural change
    to encourage the training of young social scientists within an international framework.
    Gehouden opEuropean Society for Rural Sociology, België
    Mate van erkenningInternationaal