It's my data!

Activiteit: Deelnemen aan een evenement of er een organiserenOrganisatie en deelname aan een workshop, opleiding, seminarie


This workshop introduced the legal framework for data sharing in agri-food and dived into the relations with the current code of conduct on agricultural data sharing by contractual agreement.

Then followed an interactive session among the participants, and the organisers worked with them on several specific predefined data-sharing cases. Cases are conceived to be challenging in the application of the code of conduct for the identification of the data owners.

The final goal was:

to make the participants aware of the complexity of data ownership
to link between the high-level developments that are currently taking place and the practical cases in the daily businesses of farmers and food processors
Soort evenementWorkshop
LocatieLisbon, PortugalTonen op kaart
Mate van erkenningInternationaal