Larvi 2024

Activiteit: Deelnemen aan een evenement of er een organiserenOrganisatie en deelname aan een congres


Closing the life cycle of aquaculture species of economic importance is critical for the ultimate success of aquaculture. Predictable & cost-effective availability of high-quality fry, fingerlings, postlarvae, seed, spores, etc. remain the key for a successful aquaculture venture. Knowledge generated at many different levels can further increase the success of the sector. Much progress is being made in knowledge-based insights on e.g. the genetic make-up of the broodstock, steering the ontogeny, the importance of first feeding, steering host microbial interactions and its immunological consequences, automation, etc. Research in these fields are increasingly supported and stimulated by a variety of novel and sophisticated techniques such as omics’ and artificial intelligence tools. They generate an unprecedented and often fascinating insight into biological processes. Although they generally also raise new research questions, they stand for a major leap forwards as compared to the empirical approach of a relatively recent past.

Capitalising on the previous “larvi” symposia (in ’91, ’95, ’01, ’05, ’09, ’13, ‘17), the Aquaculture R&D Consortium of Ghent University, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology and SINTEF Ocean have joined again in the organizing committee for “larvi’24” and are inviting the academic as well as the private sector to attend the 8th Fish and Shellfish Larviculture Symposium. Bringing together European and non-European stakeholders, once again the latest progress in academic research and in the production sector will be reviewed, problems identified and avenues for future collaboration explored.
Soort evenementCongres
LocatieOostende, BelgiëTonen op kaart
Mate van erkenningInternationaal


  • B402-aquacultuur