The RME conferences series 9th conference RME 2014 - Food Feed Water Analysis innovations and breakthroughs

    Activiteit: Deelnemen aan een evenement of er een organiserenOrganisatie en deelname aan een congres


    RME2014 is the 9th in a series of conferences dedicated to innovations and breakthroughs in microbiological and chemical analysis of food, feed and water. This series aims to further strengthen the academia-industry relations and to further disseminate advanced research towards practical applications in food, feed and water analysis. RME2014 presents new and cutting-edge technologies focusing on multitarget screening, lower detection limits, wider range of matrices and shorter time, with an eye towards looking for unknown compounds and moving tests out of the laboratory.
    Soort evenementCongres
    LocatieNoordwijkerhout, NederlandTonen op kaart
    Mate van erkenningInternationaal