WIAS Science Day

  • Jasper Heerkens (Spreker)

    Activiteit: Deelnemen aan een evenement of er een organiserenOrganisatie en deelname aan een congres


    Oral presentation: The influence of aviary housing characteristics, management and genetics on health, welfare and production in laying hens Organizer: The graduate school WIAS. Wageningen Institute of Animal Sciences, combines the research of twelve Chair groups of Wageningen University and 3 research organizations of the Animal Sciences Group. WIAS is engaged in fundamental and strategic research and provides training for young researchers on societally relevant animals, ranging from commercial animals such as livestock and fish, to experimental animals such as zebrafish, mice and rats to companion animals and free ranging (wild) animals
    Soort evenementSymposium
    LocatieWageningen, NederlandTonen op kaart
    Mate van erkenningInternationaal


    • B401-pluimveeteelt