Additional file 3: File S2b. Codon optimized sequences of TuDOG7, TuDOG15, PcDOG5 and PcDOG6 as ordered from Genscript (The Netherlands) without the signal peptide sequence. Format: FASTA, examination of this file requires the Bioedit program available at .
Njiru, C., Xue, W., De Rouck, S., Alba, J. M., Kant, M. R., Chruszcz, M., Vanholme, B., Dermauw, W., Wybouw, N. & Van Leeuwen, T., 4-jun.-2022, In: BMC biology.20, 1, blz. 131
Onderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan tijdschrift › Artikel › peer review
Open Access
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Njiru, C. (Maker), Xue, W. (Maker), De Rouck, S. (Maker), Alba, J. M. (Maker), Kant, M. R. (Maker), Chruszcz, M. (Maker), Vanholme, B. (Maker), Dermauw, W. (Maker), Wybouw, N. (Maker), Van Leeuwen, T. (Maker) (2022). Additional file 3 of Intradiol ring cleavage dioxygenases from herbivorous spider mites as a new detoxification enzyme family in animals. Figshare. 10.6084/m9.figshare.20003820