Additional file 9 of Intradiol ring cleavage dioxygenases from herbivorous spider mites as a new detoxification enzyme family in animals

  • Christine Njiru (Maker)
  • Wenxin Xue (Maker)
  • Sander De Rouck (Maker)
  • Juan M Alba (Maker)
  • Merijn R Kant (Maker)
  • Maksymilian Chruszcz (Maker)
  • Bartel Vanholme (Maker)
  • Wannes Dermauw (Maker)
  • Nicky Wybouw (Maker)
  • Thomas Van Leeuwen (Maker)



Additional file 9: Table S1. Primers. Primers used in qPCR to quantify the transcriptional response of DOGs to tomato defense (sheet1-host transfer primers), Primers used to synthesize in situ probes (sheet 2-in situ primers), primers used in RNAi for dsRNA synthesis and qPCR (sheet 3-RNAi primers), primers used to amplify TuDOG7, TuDOG15, pcDOG5 and pcDOG6 gene alleles from a cDNA pool (sheet 4-DOG allele selection primers) and primers used for HGT verification of TuDOG7, TuDOG10 and TuDOG11(sheet 5-DOG-HGT verification primers).
Datum ter beschikking2022

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