Infrared spectra of plastic polymers weathered in the marine environment under semi-controlled conditions

  • Nelle Meyers (Maker)
  • Bavo De Witte (Maker)
  • Natascha Schmidt (Maker)
  • Dorte Herzke (Maker)
  • Jean-Luc Fuda (Maker)
  • David Vanavermaete (Maker)
  • Mattias Bossaer (Maker)
  • Colin Janssen (Maker)
  • Gert Everaert (Maker)



Infrared spectra of plastic polymers (PE, PET, PP, PS and PVC) sized 500 - 1,000 µm in their pristine form, and weathered in the marine environment under semi-controlled surface water and deep-sea water conditions. Spectra were acquired through ATR-FTIR analysis.
Datum ter beschikking29-mrt.-2024

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