In the North East Atlantic, skates (Rajidae) are primarily caught as a byproduct in otter- and beam-trawl fisheries and also targeted, with lower effort, with gill- and trammel nets. In the context of a potential "high survival" exemption on the European Landing Obligation (LO), discard survival was quantified for four species caught in North Sea and English Channel: thornback (Raja clavata), blonde (Raja brachyura), spotted (Raja montagui) and undulate (Raja undulata) skates. The SUMARiS survival dataset contains all relevant (meta)data to quantify and explore at-vessel and delayed survival for these four species.,The SUMARiS survival dataset contains trip (TR), haul (HL) and survival data (ST) of 31 commercial fishing trips for four species of skate.
Datum ter beschikking | 1-jan.-2020 |
Uitgever | VLIZ-Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee |