Stereovision can be used to characterize of the fertilizer centrifugal spreading process and to control the spreading fertilizer distribution pattern on the ground reference. Fertilizer grains, however, resemble each other and the grain images contain little information on texture. Therefore, the accuracy of stereo matching algorithms in literature cannot be used as a reference for stereo images of fertilizer grains. In order to evaluate stereo matching algorithms applied to images of grains a generator of synthetic stereo particle images is presented in this paper. The particle stereo image generator consists of two main parts: the particle 3D position generator and the virtual stereo rig. The particle 3D position generator uses a simple ballistic flight model and the disc characteristics to simulate the ejection and the displacement of grains. The virtual stereo rig simulates the stereo acquisition system and generates stereo images, a disparity map and an occlusion map. The results are satisfying and present an accurate reference to evaluate stereo particles matching algorithms.
Oorspronkelijke taal | Engels |
Titel | Automation Technology for Off-Road Equipment 2012 : Proceedings of the 2012 CIGR-AGENG 2012 - International Conference |
Editors | Francisco Rovira-Mas |
Aantal pagina’s | 6 |
Plaats productie | valencia, Spain |
Publicatiedatum | jul.-2012 |
Pagina's | 41-46 |
ISBN van geprinte versie | 84-615-9654-4 |
Publicatiestatus | Gepubliceerd - jul.-2012 |