An (in)efficiency based measurement of economic resilience

Vertaalde titel van de bijdrage: Een (in) efficiëntiegebaseerde meting van economische schokvastheid

Koen Mondelaers, Ludwig Lauwers

Onderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan congresPaper


The ecosystem and the economic subsystem are interlinked. In fact, it is the overconsumption of scarce resources or the overproduction of bad outputs at economic system level that causes a great part of the imbalances at the ecosystem level. Some imbalances do not originate at the economic system level, but are due to external factors. Given the possibility of external shocks, respecting static sustainability thresholds is not a guarantee for system sustainability. In a dynamic setting, the concept of resilience is therefore helpful. In this paper we show how this concept can complement the traditional efficiency approach to come to a sustainable value creating economic system.
Vertaalde titel van de bijdrageEen (in) efficiëntiegebaseerde meting van economische schokvastheid
Oorspronkelijke taalEngels
Aantal pagina’s12
PublicatiestatusGepubliceerd - 2011
EvenementEAAE 2011 Congress; Change and Uncertainty: Challenges for Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources - Zürich, Zwitserland
Duur: 30-aug.-20112-sep.-2011


CongresEAAE 2011 Congress; Change and Uncertainty: Challenges for Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources

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