Assessment of orchard sprayers using Laboratory trials

Donald Dekeyser, Dieter Foqué, A M Endalew, Pieter Verboven, Tim Goossens, Nico Hendrickx, David Nuyttens

    Onderzoeksoutput: Hoofdstuk in Boek/Rapport/CongresprocedureC1: Artikels in proceedings van wetenschappelijke congressen, die niet inbegrepen zijn in A1, A2, A3 of P1peer review


    In 2009, a project was started to develop an interactive and user friendly software to understand and improve the application of plant protection products in orchards. The focus was on improving the uniformity on the target, maintaining biological efficacy, avoiding exceeding of residue limits and reducing spray drift. This project includes a machine characterisation, field trials and development of a simulation model. This paper describes the results of the machine characterisation in controlled laboratory conditions which are used to further develop and validate the CFD orchard spray model. In this work, an axial fan sprayer, a cross-flow sprayer and a sprayer with individual spouts were characterised at different gear speeds and deflector settings.
    Spray characteristics were measured using a PDPA laser based measuring set-up. The vertical spray liquid distribution was assessed with a vertical patternator at distances of 1.25, 1.625 and 2.45 m from the centre of the sprayer. The three dimensional air flow pattern was measured at different distances and heights. Finally, spray deposition and coverage and spray losses were assessed using five identical artificial pear trees. All measurements were conducted indoor and are used as an input and to validate a CFD orchard spray model.
    The measuring results reflect important differences in airflow patterns and spray liquid distribution between the different techniques and demonstrate that the liquid distribution is directly linked with the airflow pattern. This airflow pattern strongly depends on the sprayer type. The results of the deposition measurements will give information about the interaction between air and spray flow and the canopy.
    Oorspronkelijke taalEngels
    TitelInternational Advances in Pesticide Application
    EditorsP G Anderson, P Balsari, P I Carpenter, S E Cooper, C R Glass, B Magri, P C H Miller, C Mountford-Smith, T H Robinson, D Stock, W A Taylor, J van de Zande
    Aantal pagina’s8
    Plaats productieWarwick, UK
    UitgeverijAssociation of Applied Biologists
    PublicatiestatusGepubliceerd - 2012
    EvenementInternational Advances in Pesticide Application (2012) - Wageningen, Nederland
    Duur: 10-jan.-201212-jan.-2012


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