Building on the concept of marine biological valuation with respect to translating it to a practical protocol: Viewpoints derived from a joint ENCORA-MARBEF initiative

Sofie Derous, Melanie Austen, Simon Claus, Niels Daan, Jean-Claude Dauvin, Klaas Deneudt, Jochen Depestele, Nicolas Desroy, Henk Heessen, Kris Hostens, Anne Husum Marboe, Ann-Katrien Lescrauwaet, Maria Paola Moreno, Ine Moulaert, Desire Paelinckx, Marijn Rabaut, Hubert Rees, Adriana Ressurreicao, John Roff, Paulo Talhadas SantosiAgnieszka Tatarek, Reiviment Ter Hofstede, Magda Vincx, Tomasz Zarzycki, Steven Degraer, Jeroen Speybroeck, Eric Willem Maria Stienen

    Onderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan tijdschriftA1: Web of Science-artikelpeer review


    Marine biological valuation provides a comprehensive concept for assessing the intrinsic value of subzones within a study area. This paper gives an update on the concept of marine biological valuation as described by Derous et al. (2007). This concept was based on a literature review of existing ecological valuation criteria and the consensus reached by a discussion group of experts during an international workshop in December 2004. The concept was discussed during an ENCORA-MARBEF workshop in December 2006, which resulted in the fine-tuning of the concept of marine biological valuation, especially with respect to its applicability to marine areas.
    Oorspronkelijke taalEngels
    Pagina's (van-tot)579-586
    Aantal pagina’s8
    PublicatiestatusGepubliceerd - 2007


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