Control of plant-parasitic nematodes with cover crops in open field vegetable crops

Onderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan congresC3: Congres - Meeting abstract


Within Flanders, open-air vegetable production is a very important economic activity, both for fresh consumption and for the frozen vegetable industry. Due to the combination of ideal climate conditions and suitable soils, high productivity can be linked to the production of a high-quality end product. These factors explain the Flemish top position in this sector. Recent years have seen an increase in nematode infestations in the cultivation of field-grown vegetables. Pratylenchus penetrans (root lesion nematode) and Meloidogyne chitwoodi (quarantine root knot nematode) cause economic damage to the most important arable crops and vegetables grown in Flanders. In this project, the host sensitivity of P. penetrans and M. chitwoodi and the economically acceptable damage thresholds of the most commonly grown field-grown vegetables was determined. The efficacy in the suppression of nematode populations by the current green manure crops and their mixtures was also examined. In field trials, we followed the development and population dynamics of P. penetrans and M. chitwoodi in field vegetables grown in rotation with green manure crops. We also look at the effect of crop rotation and cultivation aspects on the effectiveness of nematode-suppressing properties of specific green manure crops. At the same time, we tried to gain insight into the plant response to nematodes in different green manure crops. The model used is the interaction between fodder radish and Meloidogyne.
The aim of this research is to develop an IPM-based control of the harmful nematode populations in the cultivation of field-grown vegetables, with judicious use of resistant green manure crops in crop rotation systems.
Oorspronkelijke taalEngels
PublicatiestatusGepubliceerd - 2021
EvenementNematology seminer day - Auditorium 6, Campus Ledeganck, 04.10 - L2, Ghent, België
Duur: 19-mei-202119-mei-2021


SeminarieNematology seminer day


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