Critical use of methyl bromide for soil disinfestation in Belgium during 2005

N Viaene, B Eloot, R De Vis, R Decadt, N Vergote, P Bleyaert, L Peeters, M Trybou, Kurt Heungens

Onderzoeksoutput: Hoofdstuk in Boek/Rapport/CongresprocedureC1: Artikels in proceedings van wetenschappelijke congressen, die niet inbegrepen zijn in A1, A2, A3 of P1


During 2005, Belgium enforced a strict procedure for the assignment of critical-use permits for methyl bromide (MeBr) as a soil disinfestant. This procedure involved an inspection of the site before disinfestation by a representative of a registered institute, and a mandatory demonstration of the presence of a pest or disease for which a critical use permit could be granted according to the Critical Use Nominations (CUNs). The procedure was subject to random inspections by an independent institute. The results of these inspections demonstrated proper and timely evaluation of the permit requests. A total of 113 requests for a MeBr disinfestation permit were submitted in 2005. Out of these, 105 referred to applications in 2005. The remaining 8 requests referred to applications in 2006 and were denied a permit based on the lack of MeBr quotum granted to Belgium for 2006. Of the 105 requests for applications in 2005, 93 received a MeBr application permit for soil disinfestation. These 93 permits represented 15911 kg or 37.3% of the total quotum assigned to Belgium in 2005 (42676 kg). Most of the quotum was used for butterhead lettuce (11456 kg or 72% of the applied MeBr). For most commodities, a surplus in quotum was available. However, for chrysanthemum, the amount requested for critical use exceeded the available quotum. The most important pests and diseases for which a permit was assigned were Meloidogyne, Sclerotinia, Rhizoctonia, Olpidium, Pythium, Pyrenochaeta, Verticillium, and a combination of these fungi and nematodes. The 12 requests for which no permit was granted represented 2010 kg or 11.3% of the total amount requested. In addition, institutes carrying out the assignment procedure reported at least 62 extra cases where they had been contacted by a grower but where no official permit request was filed based on the first inspection. When including those cases, the total reduction of the potentially used amount of MeBr is about 44 %. When adding an estimated 10 to 15% reduction due to the use of alternatives by growers who did not start the permit assignment procedure, the total reduction is approximately 50-55%.
Oorspronkelijke taalEngels
TitelCommunications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences
Aantal pagina’s6
PublicatiestatusGepubliceerd - 2006


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