Determinants of the use of farm risk management strategies

Frankwin van Winsen, Erwin Wauters, Ludwig Lauwers, yann de Mey, Steven Van Passel

Onderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan congresPosterpeer review

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The farmer’s choice for different risk management tools is both complex and of great importance to the continuation of the farm business. Hence, studies investigating this choice are vital. Different studies have investigated the determinants of a single risk strategy. Predominantly, the determinants for price risk management strategies, such as future markets and forward contracting, and yield risk management such as crop insurances are well investigated. This study simultaneously investigates the determinants of eleven different risk management strategies shown below. It was found that risk attitude is a significant predictor for the intended adoption of most of the investigated strategies, but other determinants are highly specific.
Oorspronkelijke taalEngels
PublicatiestatusGepubliceerd - 27-sep.-2014
Evenement14th EAAE Congress: Agri-Food and Rural Innovatrions for Healthier Societies (2014) - Ljubljana, Slovenië
Duur: 26-aug.-201429-aug.-2014


Congres14th EAAE Congress: Agri-Food and Rural Innovatrions for Healthier Societies (2014)


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